Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just Playing My Cards

I have been eating a lot, but not proper food though, just all that junk. As for breakfast, I skip it everyday. I wake up at 6.40am in the morning and I can even hear my stomach grumbling but I just don't feel like eating anything.

Come lunch, I tell my maid not to cook then I only eat bread/bag of chips-mr potato-/fried vegetables/maggi and I had coke twice this week. I cant eat maggi anymore, coz I feel like throwing up. After that, I will eat some chocolates/muffins with ribena. Yummmy

As for dinner, I will only take like a 3-4 'suap' of rice and eat it with some fish/prawn with vegetables. Ohmigosh! I promise to eat properly tomorrow coz I don't wanna get sick. Actually I was planning on jogging every morning but dad said 'NO' coz of increasing crime rates in the area. So I might aswell have to do situps at home or any exercise which produces sweat(have to check out what type of exercise)

Hols has a way of making me think bizarrely. I have been playing the Sims, just like Yoke Ling. Whenever the kitchen stove sets fire, I will instruct my sim to go near the fire so he will burn to death. Besides, I will have the other sim stand in the middle of the living room and put chairs all around him which will restrict his movement, causing him to starve to death. Muahahahahahaha.

Apart from the gruesome parts stated above, I have been doing some cleaning! I cleared all the clutter from my study room, tied up all the papers and dumped it in the store room downstairs. It was so fun arranging all the books according to height and size on the bookshelf. Sayang lah nak buang the ECONS notes. Sigh...I still dont consider myself done because I haven't cleaned up my bedroom and the closet. ;)

Sara!Yoke! I can go out with you guys this Saturday (wish PJ was here) because my other friends are enrolling at UITM Shah Alam so its so so near to my house I can see them anytime!!

I learned how to cook last weekend with my mum. It was quite alrite actually. The funnypart was frying because the oil asyik terpercik and I was just 'smart' enough to just stand there, I have slow reflexes lol, so I had to suffer a few drops of hot oil on my hand but I dont mind coz it hurts for only a milisecond. :)

Alaaa...i look sick ok seriously...i cant post a pic though due to internet probs.


Sara said...

Yay go out go out! Too bad shuen shuen can't make it.

Pui Jing said...

i want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!sad...huhuhuhuhu

Anonymous said...

Great work.