Saturday, April 26, 2008

Birthdays Are Beautiful

Its Hui Yii's 19th Birthday. So, Happy Birthday chickas.
Interesting and Random facts about Hui Yii

1) She is fun to hang out with cause its easy to make her laugh.
2) She has really really nice hair - its original (can be model for Dove or Sunsilk)
3) She is very slumber and cool.
4) She wears short skirts a lot!
5) She goes rock climbing once a week, sometimes she gets bruises on her legs. Tough chick!
6) She eats really....realli....slow yawns haha..
7) She has a lot of interesting stories...very very interesting stories to tell.
8) She does not fancy Economics.
9) She will pursue a degree in Child Education after A-levels.
10) She is a fun person who hangs out with fun people.
11) She likes the No. 1 *winks*

and lastly........
12) She makes the best cheesetarts ever *drools* She should open up a shop called HuiYii's Tarts. Yummy!

1 comment:

hyii said...

hahaha! Nadiaaaa.. i'm deeply touched at the facts you post about me.. just the part where i eat really really slow... (!!!) hahaha! Thank you sayangg.. <3