Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Tagged by Yoke Ling:
1) If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
--> Make my friends stare aand laugh at him way as if he looks weird and I will make him know that my present life is better eg...put on a super happy face

2) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
--> A happy life (good family ties, good job, good guy, good pals)

3) What will your dream wedding be like?
--> A simple occasion and not too elaborate with friends and family attending

4) Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
--> I know what I want, I am just scared that things don't work out the way I plan it. God decides my fate

5) Whats your ideal lover like?
--> Someone who is romantic but realistic,not controlling, has a life of his own, not dramatic, and FUNNY!!!

6) Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
--> It must work both ways, but since I dont expect a lot, I will go for loving someone

7) How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
--> As long as I can take it, I have other things to, so waiting is not really a problem

8) If the person you secretly like is already attached,what will you do?
--> I wish him all the best with his current gf or bf haha...and move on, life is more than that.

9) Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
--> Nothing really....but I feel my eyesight being a bit faint

10) Yoke dear, what happenned to number 10? haha

11) Is being tagged fun?
--> Answering these kind of questions are always fun!!!

12) How do you see yourself in ten years time?
--> Someone with a good job and a happy life and a cat as my pet! meowwrr

13) Who are currently the most important people to you?
--> Family and friends...people who matter to me

14) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
--> Pretty, carefree and funny!!

15) Would you rather be single but rich or married but poor?
--> Married and a stable income....i dont want expensive sadness, i dont wanna be too too too wealthy,nanti lupa diri...and..being poor is hard ok! try watching bersamamu....huhu

16) Whats the first thing you do every morning?
--> Pray and then read newspaper

17) Will you give all in a relationship?
--> If i am already married, yes. If not, no. Its like i wont leave my job for a bf, but I might leave my job if requested by my husband...i myself cant understand it

18) If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
--> I would pick the one which is not hot-tempered, kind, and hardworking dont care how he looks like

19) What type of friends do you like?
--> Hyperactive, crazy..haha....actually just anyone which are nice and sincere

20) What kind of friends do you dislike?
--> people who brings down other people and like to use people

I tag ANYONE who visits my blog :)

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