Friday, August 22, 2008

Pre-Merdeka Post

9 days to Merdeka day and I have only seen ONE vehicle ( its a bus) adorned with a Malaysian flag. It was attached at the rear, not being sarcastic here :)

Its weird given the fact that I normally see people decorating their cars like mad pre-merdeka.

Some possible theories :-
a) People are spending money on necessities instead like rice, meat, vegetable, PETROL
b) For the muslims, the hype of ramadhan is overshadowing merdeka celebrations. We start fasting on 1st of Sept. Muslims are more focused on planning mosque programmes, kuih raya, rendang, baju raya, so on so forth.
c) The sad political state of the country.
d) All of the above

I choose D, to be fair....reliving


Sara said...

Lol I even forgot about Merdeka. But it means holiday for me. Yay. I pick answer number (c).

Sara said...

Holiday=my own personal Merdeka