Monday, August 25, 2008

Outing With Ama & Dhiah

Have not seen these people for quite awhile, so, was super duper excited when I met them. Dhiah arrived first (obviously), she is never ever late for anything. If there is an award for punctuality it will be given to her! So we did soem catching up first before Ama came.

Had our lunch at MyNews. Everyone ordered nasi goreng. Honestly, all this traditional food beats all kinds of food anyday. Thats Dhiah. She looks skinny
Dhiah and Me, ama took the picture. Yay, we were both wearing red.
Amalina! stunning.. She is so kurus aswell. Gosh everyone is really kurus lately. They have been kurus since highschool so amybe its genetics...hmmm
Me & Ama. We chatted about school, our lives, UITM, and suddenly I got lost when they were talking about their course & subjects. Diorang dua dua buat accounting and dua dua buat kat UITM Shah Alam. bestnyer!
We went to find a birthday card for Dhiah's friend. Controlnye...

The stunning beauties saying goodbye to me! Huhu....sedihlaaa
After that we had ice cream and walked around and I told them that to stop for awhile coz my feet were hurting and I felt tired! This is why we should not bum around the house all day.
So we sad down on the bench and took some pics. Check out that minah in green posing in the background.
Ama & Dhiah.. sorry korang kena wait for me
Me & Ama. I showed some teeth here. That rarely happens...
We went to the rainforest after that. Took some more pics. Ama had to go home after that. So, me and Dhiah dropped her off where her family was waiting. I gave Ama a hug. Gonna missss her
Me & Dhiah walked around some more to browse for shoes then the both of us had to go back. Hugged Dhiah also before she went back. This is the last pic of the day.

These people are great friends. They are nice, compassionate, kind, modest and just fun to be around. ;)

The only missing person was WAN!!!!huhuhu I miss you.....


Sara said...

Nadia, that vest is hot. Like the bag. So couture and Christian Siriano-ish.

Nadzz said...

you have been liking the vest since like last time!
coincidentally the bag is from juicy couture! psychic

Pui Jing said...

haha...i still remember on the 15th of June,we sat on the same bench around 4.55pm...i think so la...i miss that moment...
nadz,i like ur bag...very looks obviously from juicy...hehe:)