Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May Angels Lead You In

Last Saturday I had lunch at Secret Recipe and ordered Spagetthi Bolognaise, my fav dish. As usual, the spagetthi came with either chicken or beef meatballs. I chose beaf meatballs because I always eat my spagetthi with beef. Went the food came, I started eating like normal until I cut open the meatballs and started feeling a bit nauseous. I wanted to throw all the meatballs away but my parents were there. So I oferred them some and just swallowed down the rest. There was nothing wrong with the meatballs but I just cannot take the smell and the taste.

First its chicken, now its beef. Last month when I went to KFC with Pui Jing, Sara, and Pam, I ordered the Zinger burger. I had few bites of the burger than ended up peeling the cheese of the burger and eating it with chilli sauce and the bun. Pam keep on asking me to finish the chicken countless times so, I just covered the chicken with tissue paper to hide it. That was the last time I had chicken.

But I guess it should be alright. I am still eating fish, seafood and tofu. Actually tofu is really nice if you eat it with soy sauce. Anyways, I can get my food daily intake of protein from there. I hope I dont turn into a vegetarian because there is only limited variety of food that I can take and it will be so boring.

Maybe this lack of interest in beef and chicken is just due to exam stress! Haha ( *denial*)
After exam I will find ways to recover my interest in these food.

What Happenned Today

Went to college in the morning. Started by doing Econs data and managed to do half of the data because I just could not think. I rested my head on the table for awhile. Then I moved on to doing Accounts. Miscalculated the figures half of the time. My head started to throb really hard and I can barely keep my eyes open. Went back home and slept unintentionally and thank god I woke up just in time to perform prayers!

Quickly went downtairs to get a glass of water to swallow down panadol then went back to sleep.
.....Dozed of for god knows how long(I was dumb enough not to set up the alarm clock). Then I woke up to the sound of my handphone ringing. Sara called me to help her renew her library books. Whoaaa...just in time for prayers again! Thats sooo cool.

Now I feel fine....need to hit the books now before I get hit by exams.


Sara said...

whoo at least i when i woke u up it was not in vain!! i ♥ my computer!! it's ok i don eat meat too, except lamb and a bit of beef (the red meats).and "possessed" meat. u can eat wat ur maid eats!! u need a break!! and keep praying!!

Nadzz said...

sara...thats pretty much all the meat that is meat.

my maid is a vegetarian. she only eats tauhu, tempe, telur. Its quite borringggg.

i wanna be able to eat all food. i must must recover!!

Sara said...

wow u actually online but didnt sign in msn.remember to watch the results show live 8am in the morning. hope u can wake up.